Selasa, 12 Juni 2012

Resep Cake #AkBer 30

akberians, hitung-hitung pemanasan sebelum cooking class di #Akber30 besok, ini dia nihh ada resep yang udah dikirim sama chef yang bakal jadi guru kita besok. tapi resep ini adalah resep dari Chef Boedi Prasetyo . ini dia nih, langsung dicek.....

Resep Black Forest Cake

Bahan :
  • 4 butir telur
  • 9 kuning telur
  • 150 gram gula pasir
  • 90 gram tepung terigu protein rendah
  • 20 gram tepung maizena
  • 75 gram mentega
  • 65 gram susu cair
  • 50 gram minyak
  • 25 gram cokelat bubuk
Bahan isi I :
  • 200 gram whipped cream
  • 250 gram dark cooking chocolate
  • 5 sendok makan rhum untuk olesan
Bahan isi II :
  • 100 gram whipped cream
  • 100 gram selai blueberry

Cara membuat Black Forest Cake :
  1. Cake : rebus susu, mentega, dan minyak sambil diaduk dengan sendok kawat sampai mendidih. tambahkan cokelat, aduk sampai larut, tidak perlu sampai kental (HANYA SAMPAI COKELAT LARUT). Angkat, tambahkan rhum (atau minuman lain).
  2. Kocok telur dan gula dengan kecepatan sedang sampai mengembang. Tambahkan tepung terigu yang diayak bersama maizena. Aduk rata. Tambahkan rebusan susu sambil diaduk rata.
  3. Lapisan I: masak campuran whipped cream dan dark cooking chocolate di atas api kecil sampai cokelat larut. Dinginkan lalu kocok sampai lembut. Tambahkan rhum. Aduk rata.
  4. Lapisan II: Kocok whipped cream sampai lembut, tambahkan selai blueberry. Kocok lembut.
  5. Potong kue manjadi 3 bagian. Basahi tiap permukaan kue dengan rhum lalu oles dengan campuran isi I, tumpuk dengan sepotong kue. Oleskan lapisan II. Tumpukkan kue. Oleskan lapisan I lalu tutup dengan serutan cokelat. Bisa ditaburi tepung gula di atasnya.

Resep Red Velvet Cake Frosting


Red Velvet Cake Frosting (not a traditional cream cheese but a healthier organic cream one)
6 Tb. organic spelt flour or all-purpose flour
1 cup water or organic milk
1 cup organic butter
1 cup organic sugar
1 tsp. organic vanilla extract
Bring flour and water to a boil, reduce heat, and stir constantly until thick and slightly clear. Cool in the refrigerator for several hours or overnight. Cream together butter, sugar, and vanilla. Add the flour mixture and continue to beat until fluffy. Keep the frosting refrigerated before use.
I really enjoyed this cake. I hope you do too. Any other recipes you love that are healthier, let me know, Id love to post them!

Red Velvet Cake

Some bakers out there seem to think all they need is red batter and white frosting to make red velvet cake. Not so, there are eight rules for the truly authentic red velvet cake:

1. The cake must have some cocoa, but not too much because it is not a chocolate cake.
2. The cake must have red food coloring; beet juice does not add the right kind of red.
3. The cake must have cream cheese frosting.
5. You must use high-quality ingredients.
6. Precise measurements and meticulous attention to detail are key for this cake; therefore, it must be made in small, easy-to handle, family-sized batches. (Mass-produced batter just doesn't cutit.Sorry,large-scalebakeries.)
7. You must use a hand-held electric mixer, not a stand mixer: Larger machines can over-mix the batter, which sometimes prevents the cake from rising properly.
8. Red velvet cake batter needs vegetable oil, not butter or shortening. Oil yields a very moist cake.

This recipe incorporates all eight essentials for the perfect red velvet cake.
Paula Deen’s Red Velvet Cupcakes from Food Network

2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 1/2 cups sugar
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon cocoa powder
1 1/2 cups vegetable oil
1 cup buttermilk, room temperature
2 large eggs, room temperature
2 tablespoons red food coloring
1 teaspoon white distilled vinegar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract 

Naaaaah kece kan akberians! ada Black forest yang emang udah tenar enaknya dan Red Velvet Cake yang sekarang ini lagi in! langsung deh boleh cus dicoba :D

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